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Central Vacuum Installation Services in Boulder

A central vacuum system makes cleaning a lot easier and bearable. It’s a blessing for those messy after-party cleaning sessions that leave you questioning your sanity. Central vacuum systems have become such a hit in recent years that it’s now considered a necessity instead of a luxury by most homeowners.

True, a portable vacuum cleaner can also get the job done. But it doesn’t offer the ease of access, power, and efficiency a central vacuum system offers. Imagine the work you have to put into dragging a portable vacuum throughout the house. It’s exhausting just thinking about it. Especially if you’ve got a large area to cover. But it doesn’t have to be so, because with a central vacuum system it’s just a matter of connecting a hose and flipping a switch.

Luckily central vacuum installations are quite affordable. That is if you pick an experienced and reliable central vacuum service center. If you are looking for Central Vacuum Installation and Repair Services in Boulder, we at Vacuums R Us & Sewing Too – Boulder Store are more than happy to offer you our services. We’ve worked with Central Vacuum systems for over 18 years, so you can rest assured that you are in excellent hands. From regular homes to businesses, we’ve taken on central vacuum installation projects that were deemed impossible. Therefore, we are certain that our specialist would have no trouble installing a central vacuum system for you.

What makes our central vacuum installation process stand out from the rest is its methodical approach. By being methodical, our specialists overlook nothing and also make sure they keep costs to a minimum.

This article will give you a sneak peek at our process. But before diving into it, you need to know how a central vacuum system works.

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Central Vacuum Installation Services in Boulder

A Quick Look At How A Central Vacuum System Works

A central vacuum system is simply a “massive vacuum” built into a building. It can be accessed from strategically placed wall outlets that span across an establishment. It’s a lot easier to have a central vacuum system built in during construction because the pipe and ductwork are much more accessible. But if you missed that chance, you needn’t worry, as you can still have it installed even after completion.
A central vacuum system has many parts. They work in unison to provide optimum suction power and efficient energy consumption. Any issue with these components will lead to a bad cleaning experience. So, if you need the best results from a central vacuum system, you need to make sure that the installation is done right.
Out of all the parts of the system, the central vacuum unit is the most important. The central vacuum unit is at the center of the whole design and powers up the entire system. All pipes from the wall outlets in different rooms lead to the central vacuum unit.

Out of all the parts of the system, the central vacuum unit is the most important. The central vacuum unit is at the center of the whole design and powers up the entire system. All pipes from the wall outlets in different rooms lead to the central vacuum unit.

Bonus Fact- The central vacuum unit is sometimes also referred to as the primary unit or the power unit by technicians.

It is usually installed in a basement, garage, or storage room and sometimes has a separate space built for it. Most central vacuum units have four suction outlets, although many homes only use one or two of them. All the dirt, dust, and debris vacuumed are directed straight to a collector tank. These tanks are sealed, preventing the collected dust and dirt from re-entering living space.

A central vacuum installation requires a bit of wiring as well. The wiring is responsible for relaying signals to the control module of the central vacuum unit. These wires are the reason you can switch on the vacuum system by flipping a switch, making life a lot simpler. Therefore, it’s crucial to get the wiring done right, just like the piping, when installing a central vacuum.

Although brief, this quick overlook on how a central vacuum functions will help you better understand the installation process, we at Vacuums R Us & Sewing Too – Boulder Store follow.

Our Central Vacuum Installation Process

Although the central vacuum system’s performance is our top priority, we at Vacuums R Us & Sewing Too – Boulder Store also try our best to cut down costs. Excessive wall outlets and needless piping can add to a hefty bill and also lead to extra work. It will also ultimately affect the vacuum’s operations. Therefore, the first step of our central vacuum installation process is planning.

Central Vacuum Installation Services in Boulder

Planning The Central Vacuum System

Before getting their hands dirty, our technicians prefer getting hold of any plans and blueprints related to the building. The plans will help them calculate the square footage in each room and floor, which is necessary to decide the best inlet placements. Remember, more inlets require more piping. And more pipes lead to greater expenses. The specifications of the central vacuum unit play an important part when planning inlets as well. A unit with more suction power (depends on the motor) and longer hose length will be able to handle larger areas, thus, will require a lesser number of inlets. We will also want to know the type of central vacuum system you plan on installing. There are two types of Central Vacuum Installations~ Central Vacuums with retractable hoses built into the wall outlets and Standard Central vacuums which require you to connect the hose manually. Both these systems require different approaches, so knowing the type in advance will help us draw up a better design. However, if you do not have any building plans, don’t worry as our experts will also carry out an on-site assessment. They are a skeptical bunch and keep saying that plans can not be always trusted. Anyway, during the on-site examinations, our techs will narrow down the best routes to install vents and pipes. Installing pipes along thin walls are a lot easier than thick ones. Along with pipe placements, they will also keep track of previous installations. And they do this by using a variety of methods and devices such as stud sensors. All these precautions will prevent them from unknowingly cutting into cables, plumbings, and vents during installation. Better safe than sorry.

Inlet Installation

Once all the planning is done, our techs will start working their magic to bring your central vacuum system to life. They usually start by installing the wall and floor inlets. They do this by first tracing the bracket on the wall and then using an assortment of tools to cut an opening. After making an opening, they drill the floor below it, leaving the drill bit in place. The drill bit acts as a marker which helps when drawing wires and pipes from below (usually the basement). A marker of some sort is always used as it’s quite easy to get lost when running pipes. Once the inlets are fixed in place, our specialists will start working on the wiring before moving onto the pipes. Working with wires is much easier and less time-consuming because of its flexible nature. However, any damages to them will cause the entire system to malfunction. Therefore, we take special care when handling the signal lines.

Running The Pipes

After fixing the inlets and drawing the wires, it’s now time to run the pipes. Pipe placement is probably the toughest part when installing a central vacuum system. It’s also the most likely to fail. Bad piping will cause leaks which will then lead to higher energy consumption. So, to avoid any slip-ups we take the piping process in steps. We first cut the required length of pipe for the different inlets. The lengths are usually measured during planning. We then smooth the newly cut pipe ends so that there aren’t any burrs. Smooth pipe ends stick better, preventing them from splitting in the long run. Once the pipes are ready, we feed them into the wall, gradually connecting every inlet to the system. We use the makers to guide our way and various pipe joints to maneuver within the walls.

Installing The Central Vacuum Unit

All the pipes and wires lead to the Central Vacuum unit, so it needs to be installed right. It is the “brain” of the entire system. And any issues with it will render the entire installation useless. Our techs carry out the installation of the primary unit by mounting it onto the wall. The position it’s installed depends on how easy it is to connect the pipes and wires coming in. Each incoming line needs to be connected to the canister inlets. We usually use a “sweep tee” or a “t-joint” to combine the incoming lines. This is because most homes only have two primary lines, which are the attic and basement lines. However, the design can change depending on the establishment.

A Test Run

Once all the joints and components of the central vacuum system are in place, we give it one final examination. Each connection is examined and stress-tested to make sure that they are firmly in place. We then pack up our things and leave. Just kidding!!! No central vacuum installation process is complete without a test run. So, after a thorough inspection of the system’s installation, we give it a test run. Here, we assess the system for leaks. We also assess the suction power of each inlet. And once we are satisfied with the system’s performance, we hand back your home with a newly installed central vacuum for you to enjoy.