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Category: Garden

It’s been a while since we’ve gotten an update on our Boulder garden! Perhaps it is better called a jungle now! Our Morning Glories are closed for the afternoon, but

The Arvada Vacuums R Us store garden has some beautiful flowers this week, including our first squashes! Follow us on Instagram to get more frequent garden updates.

With the last few days of rainy weather, our Boulder garden is loving all the moisture! We have flowers beginning to bloom, and some of our veggies have all shot

After a wild day of snow in the Denver Metro Area, the garden is still going! We scrambled to get all the seedlings covered and safe from the elements. Thankfully,

We have gotten our Boulder seedlings in our garden beds! We’re also beginning to discover many morning glories that left their seeds behind in last year’s soil, which we might

Our seedlings have started growing! We have tomatoes, peppers, herbs, pumpkins, squash, sunflowers, wild flowers, watermelon, and cantaloupe started, that we’ll plant into our side plot as soon as they